Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Originally uploaded by thebrandy74
Ok, so I haven't been doing a very good job at keeping up with this blogging thing. I really want to start doing a better job. Actually, I want to start doing a better job at a lot of things. Work....YUCK, making the bed, staying in touch with family, these are all things I need to get better at.

I have to ask myself,"Do I really make the largest effort possible?" I'm a little disappointed in the answer. I challenge all of you to ask yourself the same question. I figure, if we just try a little harder...imagine the possibilities.

I made this ATC for the ABC's of Me 2009 art journal Blog. You can find it at so yall go check it out, maybe jump in, and give it a try!

1 comment:

rajah1116 said...

That is a good point....I'm kind of disappointed in my answer too!